Friday, February 12, 2016


First, remove the ring. It might remind you of stuff, you see, like sitting on the floor, both of you, to a meal of bread and indomie, maybe. Imagine. To be reminded of it, that first quarrel, how cool and collected, you threw cool and collected out the window, because this was the one person you’d brought so close, she’d mastered how to get under your skin at will. So, unable to stand a second more in her presence, you’d left the room, but only as far as the parlour; lay there and slipped it off, this ring, put it on the ground, a few meters from your face, to watch it – watch it like it was some suspicious object a pastor specialized in countering sporadic attacks of witchcraft had pulled out from under your bed. After a long time watching it, this ring, you’d taken a deep, deep breath finally, and slipped it on again…

Brother. To do what you are about to do, you must take this memory and put it where it will not be remembered. You hear? Lose it, this memory…of her leaning into you, to prop you up, on days that weighed heavily on you, of you leaning into her, to prop her up, on days that weighed heavily on her. Not really a pronouncement, you know – this ‘two becoming one’ thing – but a process that takes way too much of our irreplaceable time, much like trees growing into each other.  Yes. To forget this, to pretend it did not happen, to – in fact – attempt to re-write what was written on the ethereal scroll where Time recorded the early History of the two of you, brother, you will have to construct very circuitous arguments.

Like – ‘she has changed’. Yes. You will have to tell yourself – ‘she has changed’ – over and over again. Yes. Once you make a habit of doing this, your eyes will open and you will start to see the proof of it everywhere. In the morning, you will see the folds your children left behind when they wriggled out of her tummy. In the afternoon, she will call you, and before you answer, you will say to yourself, ‘I bet you she’s calling me to tell me something has broken in the house’; then you will answer, and what will she say? ‘Honey, we have still not paid the children’s school fees’. You will drop the phone, and after thinking again about it very deeply, you will say: ‘Honestly, this is the only thing she is good at.’ So later that night, when you lock up and come up to find her fast asleep on the sitting room floor, you will think nothing at all of turning the lights off and leaving her there. Yes.

But brace yourself, brother…brace yourself. When you remove the ring, you see, you may find underneath it a determined circle of pale skin. Yes. Some people say, give it a day or two, and it will fade. This is true. But not for those who thought of everything, right down to where they would buy the keg that would hold the palmwine they needed to take that day to their prospective father-in-law… yes, not for those who left absolutely nothing to others. If you are one of those, then – I am sorry – the determined circle of pale skin you find underneath your wedding ring will never fade. This is true. And you will have to live with it, what you are about to do…

Sleep well.

Wait! It is in this way – not in the Disney way of ‘happily ever afters’ – that we will speak of Love on Sunday evening at 6.45pm at the Main Auditorium of the National Centre for Women Development. Yes. At NSW, Poetry is our brush, true, but the picture we paint is of Real Life. Do NOT be late. Believe me, we always start strong. Have I not said it before?

Sleep well.

Images taken from:

Monday, February 1, 2016


I hope this meets you well. I would like to invite you to a live show I'm hosting on the 14th of Feb 2016 at the National Centre for Women Development, Abuja by 6.45pm.

Night of the Spoken Word (NSW) is a live Performance Poetry Show. That means I will use Poetry (yes, Poetry) to entertain you. But not just any type of Poetry, and not just any type of entertainment.  The Poetry here is a very distant cousin of the one you think of when I say 'Poetry'. Yes. There will be no 'thee's or 'thou's, no puzzles requiring solitary meditation to unravel. For I know you've been taught that simple words cannot communicate deep truths. But if you come, my friend, I will re-educate you.

Because this not just any type of entertainment. So, yes, I will make you laugh; but, tell me, are you not also weary of consistently being fed crap in the name of fun? The last time I checked religion  – not art – was the opium of the masses. So, tell me, what is wrong with designing an event to educate as thoroughly as it entertains? To appeal not only to the physical senses – with its weakness for women with the supernatural ability to move their buttocks independently of anything else – but also to the ethereal soul? Tell me.

They told me – you cannot sell edutainment to the Nigerian, for he is far too hungry to enjoy anything more sophisticated than football. They told me – if you are planning to make sentences with many complex words, take it to the expatriates; they are the ones who appreciate these things. I told them – What's the point? Of attempting to build an industry on expatriate foundations? As if Development is something you can put in a container and ship down to Lagos. It is not. Yes. For even if a nation had no roads of its own, no dams of its own, no ports of its own; even if it had no country of its own, no physical space anywhere on the face of the Earth it could name as its own; do you know that that nation could still live, and live on through unending Time, so long as it had an art of its own – music and culture – a Poetry of its own? Did you know this?

So I have not tried to be a flawless copy of someone else's inspiration. This Poetry tastes of Sango-Ota and Gwagwalada, of that afternoon in Potiskum when we stopped on the road for the robbers ahead to finish their business. Yes. And you – child of epileptic power supply and run down libraries – are my target audience. So if you've never seen one person on one stage in one night perform 17 poems and 5 short stories, if you think that this cannot possibly (Nigerian that you are) hold your attention, then come, my friend, and I will make you believe.

Because I am tired of trying to jump with both feet on the ground. That is not faith. Faith is the first step you take beyond the point-of-no-return. So, look, I am not bringing Kanye West from America to entice you; no, it is me you are coming to listen to. Me. In a venue many years past its glory, with its peeling doors and 1000 seats, but I told my friend I will burn so bright they will not see the walls. For, I've done 50, and I've done 500 – and I could stay where it's comfortable and agree to grow old – but, tell me, can this Poetry fill a Thousand seats? I tell you, my friend, this is not a question I will be taking to my grave.

No. I will answer it now, while there is yet Life, on Sunday the 14th of February 2016 at 6.45pm on the stroke of the clock when I walk out to that solitary mic on that solitary stage, then turn and face…whatever awaits me. True. It will be Valentine's Day. And I'll be doing it for Love.

Will you come?


For excerpts from the last Night of the Spoken Word (NSW5), visit this link:


See Dike Chukwumerije Live@

‪#‎NSW6‬  #AnIncredibleLoveStory

Live Poetry.

February 14, 2016


Main Auditorium. National Centre for Women Development

N3,000 (Regular). N10,000 (VIP) @ Salamander Café and Silverbird Abuja

N2,500 (Online) @

For more info: MadMo (09022222290). Joy (08123887996). Dare (08067348956).