'Touch me in the heart. Or don't touch me at all.' Words from a poem I wrote long ago. These meandering paths of Love, where will they take us next? If someone would just leave burning candles along the way, so we don't get lost. So we don't get lost...
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014
'Malaika: A Poetry Collection for Children and Those Who Love Them'
Click on the link if you would like to purchase the whole collection
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014
To draw a sharp breath at the sight of one you’ve never seen before…
This is Love.
To long for her to look at you, to come round the table and sit with you, to talk to you and find your stories amusing; and when the night ends, to hold these words in your heart though you dare not say them out, ‘Don’t leave…’
This is Love.
To touch the phone, with beating heart, and wonder if you should call. Or not.
This is Love.
To call with bated breath, and find a conversation so deep it never ends, with a life of its own, that takes you through places strange and yet so familiar; to fall asleep involuntarily because, on a night like this, you want to stay awake forever…
This is Love.
To steal a first kiss on a frozen night, and laugh the drunken laughter of the smitten, to walk with hands entwined, afraid to let go; to see the world with new eyes and swoon at the scent of endless possibilities…
This is Love.
To accept. To be accepted.
Not for where you live or what you drive.
This is Love.
To share the same conviction; that life will not break this bond, rough seas will not weaken this resolve, and where it is tested – on afternoons of trembling walls when the practicalities of living together punches holes in all your fairy-tales – to hold steady, to stay strong, to reach for those immortal words of healing and reconciliation: ‘I’m sorry, baby…’
This is Love.
To watch your children born…
This is Love.
To feel the weight of Time, the way it covers everything with dust and dulls the cutting edge of passion; to feel this weight with sorrow; to wake up in the early hours of the morning and worry about it, to pause in the mid-afternoon rush and worry about it, to come home in the evening and worry, that the routine of washing and feeding babies is chipping away at what you have; to stay awake at night, with only the glow of the side-lamp, and talk about it, to argue about it, and cry about it, then hold hands and say about it: ‘No. No! We will not let this happen to us…’
This is Love.
To find yourselves every time you lose yourselves…
To catch it just before you say it
That thing you could never take back
And where it is said, inadvertently, to you
A second later, to forget it
This is Love.
Image taken from:
Friday, March 7, 2014

This piece was first published in:
Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014
I consider it the great equalizer, the humble toilet, because we all have to sit on it, no matter how brilliant or beautiful we seem. Ah! Don't let Mary Kay fool you; until you've seen the blemish, you have NOT seen the face. So, when you're day-dreaming, think not, who would look best beside me on the red carpet, or dancing up the aisle in our Sunday best?
No. Think of staring at your computer after a long day at work; you have one of those bosses skilled at calculating the speed with which subordinates scramble to 'help' her with her bag. So, understandably, you're tired – the inner tiredness that is always inversely related to the amount of meaningful work you've done that day. Now shut your eyes tight and imagine it – not being able to really look forward to going home.
Or an empty Saturday afternoon. No light. No Dstv. It can be scarier than not knowing where the month's rent will come from, having to sit down in a small space and discover that neither silence nor conversation is comfortable. So, let me say this; Love is not a feeling, just because there is a difference between not being in the mood to talk to someone and not being able to talk to them. But, believe me, you can go years before finding out which one you've actually got. It's the way it works when you've settled into a routine, and perfected communicating in clichés.
So, imagine kissing playfully. Because it's a lot easier to fake an orgasm; but a long cuddle – with meaningless chit-chat and the occasional tickle in between, falling asleep in each other's arms, waking up with the lingering memory of what you were talking about? You will struggle with that one unless you truly love her. And by that I mean you've taken the time to find out that having a bit more space for her clothes and shoes means a lot more to her than sexy lingerie. It's one of the things you only see when you're looking, only hear when you're listening; for there are people whose only way of expressing intense dissatisfaction with life is turning up the volume of the football game on TV.
Yes. But it is how most of us are wired, to hide our deep inner feelings and behave properly in public. So, imagine if you couldn't come home and take the mask off. Where will you breathe? I know, in this Life, there will always be roles to play and, truth be told, you may only learn how to act like a parent by experimenting with your first child. But imagine if you started calling each other 'Daddy' and 'Mummy' (to teach that child) and never stopped.
This thing called Love. And that's the confusion; it's not the only thing that could generate feelings. So, if you have feelings, how do you know it's Love? My sister, what can I say? In your day-dreams, wipe the make up off. And, if you can, that Yanni playing in the background? Turn it down as well.
For, if you KNOW that people don't smell like fried dodo in the morning, and you still want to do this; that there are habits they will struggle with all their lives; that we don't come with spaces in our hearts custom-made for anyone else; and no one is so straight-forward you could love them on cruise control. If you KNOW all this and you still want to do this, then, yes, I'll be more willing to vouch for you. But, honestly, it still wouldn't mean that much, not unless they knew it too, about your picture-perfect self.
Image taken from:
Friday, January 17, 2014