My parents were divorced when I was 5. And, to me, there was nothing
worse. It didn’t help either, people always saying – children whose parents are
no longer together come from broken homes. So, I carried that phrase, like a
corrosive, inside me. Broken Home. And, on some days, I despised those who
inflicted it on me. Why didn’t they just work things out? Isn’t that what
everyone does? And even if they couldn’t, why didn’t they just stay together, because
of us, ‘the children’? Isn’t that what everyone does?
But my mum only smiled, the quiet smile of someone walking the road others
are judging. Then reached out and held me close, so we could cry together. It
took me a long, long time to really understand, but she waited patiently, loved
me unconditionally, till I did. It was she who taught me to say, I do not come
from a Broken Home. It’s the people who wake up and walk past each other, sleep
shoulder to shoulder, but never say a word to each other; who stay only because
they are afraid of leaving, afraid of what other people would say, afraid of
starting all over again at 40; the people who use their children as proxies for
cloak-and-dagger wars, and let them grow up believing that what they look like
to those watching is more important than who they really are inside.
Ah! Let me not do this. I’ve been judged too many times, felt too much
fear, been a coward too many times in my own life, to stand up here and judge you
too. So, yes, it is true; staying together regardless demands its own sort of
strength. But, Life may happen to you that way. Yes. It may bring you up
against things you can only get past by digging deep. And if it does, you will
discover this Truth; that being true to yourself, as critical as it is to fulfilling
your destiny, will threaten all but the strongest relationships in your life.

So, please, don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re doing me a favour
just by staying. Honestly, I am afraid of neither the darkness nor the silence;
what I truly fear is to live a lie. So, hear me out. When you find Love, be
grateful for it. Appreciate those who give it, for it is the only way to pay
them back. Don’t love with cheesy smiles and meaningless rhetoric; show up and
be there. For, no matter how well or how long we spin this thing, it is actually
not real if we’re dying inside. Yes, my friend, there is no family picture hanging
on my wall. But, trust me – there is nothing dysfunctional about where I’m from.
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