Sometimes, people disappear. This
is true. For Love is not always a duet with two feeding off each other. No. Sometimes,
the house is standing only because you’re carrying it. I tell you, it’s hard to
tell how long this must continue before it becomes abuse. All I know is, there
are seasons in everyone’s life when they have enough strength only for
themselves. And if you are the one who has to share this season with them, ah, you
will not find it easy at all.
But, once, I was a teenager. And
slammed the door in my mother’s face. When I opened it, she was there. So I
learned, there is that day on which our Love must be unconditional. Not because
you massaged my feet, or will bring me home a box of chocolates. I’ve watched
it on Discovery channel. How, within minutes of being born, a baby deer is
nudged to its feet. But it takes a bit longer for the children of men to learn this
lesson, that the World does not revolve around their needs. In the interim, we
clean their bums and swaddle them, feed and protect them, knowing they may walk
away, one day, in anger or irritation, at the things we become in our old age.
But, once, I was a child. And woke
up to the whispered sounds of my father standing by the door, praying for me; gently
tiptoeing away when he was done. And I
lay there the rest of the night wondering - how many times does he do this? Not
an easy lesson, this one, how Love must always do more than it can ever boast of,
or be given credit for. But, some days, they will NEED you, even when they are
asleep and do not know it. On days like that you will have to find something
more motivating than your natural desire for a standing ovation to reach out. So,
let me tell you this.

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Yeah well, even though it will be hard to, it even sounds unreasonable to, but it is love when we 'stay'